Saturday, July 16, 2022

Rabbit - clippings from across the globe


As I continue to examine alternate foods and their sources. I will look today at rabbits as a food source. However, the approach will be different since I will take clippings from articles I will look up and present them here so that you can form your own opinion based on what others around the world have observed. 

So today, I looked up rabbits in restaurants; here's what I found. 

Senior Member. There was a word for rabbit meat which I think would be understandable today: "coney". In the same way that beef, pork, and venison all are from the French, so was coney.
Boston, USA has managed to incorporate rabbits into the menus. We found an article that shows seven (7) restaurants that serve rabbits on their menus. 
But why eat rabbits? In searching Google, this information which spoke to the nutritional content of rabbits came up. 
They have a light impact on the earth, and they're healthy, all-white meat.” Rich in highly-quality proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and minerals like calcium and potassium, rabbit meat is also lean and low in cholesterol. Of course, its lack of fat means you need to take caution when you prepare it.
My curiosity went further, yes I live in a tourist destination, and here's what I found:
Rabbit meat is popular in countries such as Italy, Spain, France and China. These countries consume the most rabbit – about 8kg per person – and are the best export markets for rabbit meat.
When wondering why rabbits are cultivated as a food source. This came up:
Rabbits have never had a purpose as farm animals, meaning they did not have the same opportunity to become a popular meat in American households. Since rabbits never became a popular meat in the agricultural industry, a stigma was attached to the meat itself.
Additionally, when asking; Is rabbit a cheap meat?
Rabbit meat is expensive because fryers are not able to be effectively fed in large groups, require a more expensive feed ration than most other livestock and processing costs are higher per pound of meat sold.
So what would justify countries in the Caribbean adding rabbits to their menus? The answer may prove that we need to think more high-end even though rabbit was initially a poor man's food. The benefits outweigh the costs. 
In 2019, it was published that: 
First off, it's healthy: Compared to beef, pork, lamb, turkey, veal and chicken, rabbit has the highest percentage of protein, the lowest percentage of fat and the fewest calories per pound. Unlike other meats, it contains high levels of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Additionally, just this year 2022 it was concluded by another researcher:
It also takes a fair amount of time, effort and expertise to raise rabbits for food, which makes it more expensive than other meats. They are not bred & raised in factory farming conditions, so there is higher marginal cost per pound.
It was found that, Rabbit meat has a great taste and is highly nutritious. Although any type of meat lover will love to have a bite, it is best suited for people who want a more robust tasting and healthier meal than chicken. Rabbit meat has numerous health benefits.
What does the future of food look like for people who are lovers of meat and need to have protein requirements met? Here are the top 8 meats globally
When looking at food supply and food security, it's going to be increasingly necessary to examine the sources of food and its origins. 
Will you join the ranks of those eating rabbit meat? I have had some before and it's pleasant to the tastebuds when prepared well. I hope that this article enables you to find out how you can save economically. Enjoy your meals and make new dishes. 

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