Sunday, February 6, 2022

I have a confession to make...

Over the years, the longest job I've ever held is for approximately 2 years. When I stumbled upon an industry called timeshare, my background it hotel management, it gave me the mindset due to the types of environments I've had the opportunity to work within.

Timeshare is an industry that I would recommend to anyone and everyone should be exposed to in their younger working lives. Why? You learn how to handle rejection early. 

In life, one of the biggest stumbling blocks is rejection. The word NO cripples many who are on their path to success. It can come from the market place where you are trying to gain a foothold, and if it's something that's really big; the rejections/objections can come from within your own household. 

Timeshare taught me how to cope with the reality that you will face stumbling blocks in all aspects of your life. It is an industry that puts you on trial every day since you cannot rest on the laurels of yesterday's successes. Everyday you get up you start at zero. Everyday you must make progress towards your goals. 

Is it hard? You bet. However even though it can be described as words that the word challenging don't aptly describe, it can be also quite rewarding. 

Fast track to running a practice for as many years as I have. Seeing clients experience satisfaction even though they may not have all had the money to pay. Improving their lives and the ability for them to support their families and livelihoods. I'd do it again. 

Sometimes, not everyone can pay for your services directly. They can however open doors through referrals that you ordinarily wouldn't have been able to open. In time, you'll learn that more important than money is grace and favor. 

My grandfather, told my father, who told me and I shared with my son; "Where manners and respect will get you, money won't get you. If you have manners and respect, you'll go places that people with money will never reach. You can walk in the company of very successful people as an equal." 

I love business development. I love solving problems that others can't. I love my career so much that it doesn't seem like work. Am I where I'm supposed to be? Not yet. 

It's a journey that keeps challenging me. As the reputation continues to spread, people call from all walks of life from various places and countries. Keep hungry, keep learning, keep serving; life can be interesting and provides many opportunities for you to make a positive contribution. Yes, I also serve NFPs, not for profits. It's my way of giving back. 

Though I may not have loads of money, I am a philanthropist with my time. I always maintain, if I lose money, I may get it back. However if I lose time, it's gone forever. Use your time wisely. 

My confession? I love helping people experience a better life. 


  1. Richard,you are one of a kind. You give so much of your time to others which make a whole lot to them and I will say us. You have dedicated time to the charity that I managed and that means a whole lot to us all including the sick kids we represents. Time is more valuable than money in many ways. That's for being there and thinks for giving of you. From the CFFB.

  2. lt's one thing to read this.
    lt is an ENTIRELY different matter to work with you, Richard.

    There are no words to adequately describe how, during a Time Block, you BECOME your client.

    There are neither nouns nor adjectives to convey how excited you get about your client's project.

    lt is impossible to describe how right it feels and how relieved we are when you clearly (workable step by workable step) detail how we can realize, first our own big vision for our businesses and then your huge one lol

    Thank you for being you, Richard Blades

  3. As the young people would say 💯 "No Cap"! You are truly a blessing to many, have been most definitely to me! Thank you for being so generous with your time and knowledge. God Bless!


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