Monday, March 4, 2013

No More Pity Parties...It's all a matter of Perspective

Have you ever thought that you were having a really bad day? When you thought that no one else in the world can be experiencing what you are going through. The world has a way of being unusually tough on you with grief and pain that no one else would understand until they have experienced it. I have had those days. 

Some days I would get aches in my body that surely they are isolated to me. Other days there were experiences that left one wondering how we survived. Recently, a taxi driver asked another man as they got out their vehicles in the parking lot, "How's it going today?" to which the other said, "My feet are hurting like crazy, but just now I saw a man with no feet, so I'm pretty good despite the pain." Over hearing the conversation, I thought "Wow, what a change in perspective..." 

Growing up, I always heard, "With God all things are possible". Admittedly, you never get the meaning of what that truly means until that time in life when you get an "AHA" revelation. I mean sometimes we don't understand any of these...
  • How come the healthy die young and the sickly live a long time? 
  • How come christian relationships break up and the unbeliever seems to be married for ever?
  • How come the reckless seems to get the breaks and the careful, methodical types remain stagnant?
  • How come people who know exactly what to do with the money they would get seldom do and those who don't have a plan, are less educated, and all the other qualities that shouldn't count always seem to get the money?
  • Why do those who live carefully get cancers and illnesses while those who seem to have a death wish seem to live?
  • I'm sure they are many other similar scenarios, however you get the idea. 
I have found that God is always in control, learning that when I see things from my finite point of view that God has the total picture knowing exactly how everything will turn out. You know, it's the growing through that's painful though. I'm sure the bible has many scriptures that would speak to this blog, however you're going to have to look them up yourselves. It's about a personal relationship with God, so get to know him for yourselves. God has taken me through situations, that only He could navigate so I just let go and trust. 

For me, though it's easier said than done. No More Pity Parties - You never know what others are going through that's worse than yours. So next time you think you have it bad - prayer, praise, and declare. I do mine in the name of Jesus Christ, cause that's who I believe in. 

Until next time...
Richie B. 

This picture in this article takes away the excuses that most of us tend to have. Though I don't know the person in the image, he's an inspiration to live life to the fullest. 

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