Saturday, February 24, 2024

Customer service for entrepreneurial entities

 When we are born, we have to learn how to use the various limbs of our body. The ways that we use them would change over time as we grow and become accustomed to how our muscles react.  If we are observant, many of these motions tend to be repetitive. 

Yet, for many of us, our approach to setting up a business is ready, fire, aim. We tend to do so without practice and then wonder where we went wrong. This is particularly noticeable if we're observant as we deal with our internal and external customers. 

It is said that the customer is always right; this is untrue. No one individual is always right. Yet this fallacy is unchallenged by many, even at the corporate level. 

Entrepreneurs need guidance on how to plan their customer interactions. This needs to take place before they even meet their first customer. It is required so that the customer/SME interactions function smoothly. 

How can we encourage and uplift customers so that they enjoy the experience of interacting with our entities? Are there areas that we need to attend? What are the touchpoints? 

Asking and answering the above questions allows entities to respond better to customers' needs, regardless of how they interact with the business. Sit with your advisors today and plan your customer interactions for your business. If you need assistance, just reach out. There are adequate resources available. 

Enjoy your weekend. 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

The aging entrepreneur


There's something that very few entrepreneurs give thought to as we begin and grow businesses. Many of us believe that we are doing great now, and therefore, our own mortality seldom, if ever, crosses our minds. 

This is compounded by the stresses and strains of running a business. The uncertainty, managing expectations and reputations, ensuring that everyone gets paid on time, and the supply chain work smoothly without hiccups. 

For many, we want to be our own bosses, never working for anyone, but it comes with sacrificing your freedom at least in the early years of your business. Before you know it, you've dedicated years in the business and have nothing to show for your efforts. You have realized that you now move slowly, deliberately thinking of the best way to do so without causing too much pain and discomfort. 

You have become old. 

Ageing is something that we all face to various degrees. Some are graceful, others energetic and youthful. Still, others seem sickly and frail. There's something for everyone. Then we die, and there's no forecasting who will go first when the time comes. 

In the wonder years, we give thought to pensions, living expenses, replacement income, medical bills, discretionary income, investment funds, etc. It seems like we are now scrambling to get things done right. We made choices we wished we had done differently. There are a few exceptions, but this is the narrative of many. 

As a quick sidebar, you begin getting referrals to specialists for various checks. If you're observant, as you sit waiting to be seen by the specialists, you realize that their floors are paved with tiles no smaller than 25". My mind wondered about that, and then when I heard the fee for being seen by the specialist, I understood why the tiles were that size. The quoted fees make you stagger, and they don't want you to fall. 

As an entrepreneur, you can be successful. However, you should consider what went before into your planning. Some professionals can help you plan for these eventualities. Research them and prepare adequately. 

Enjoy your weekend everyone. Until next time. 

The Internet - An avenue for SME Growth

Using the Internet to Grow Your SME Quickly In today's digital age, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for businesses of all ...