Tuesday, August 11, 2015

iLuv WoRk

There's something about work that excites and intrigues me; especially when it is exciting work. Sometimes when groups of us discuss business, invariably someone would ask, "What makes you want to get out of bed every morning?"

On the surface, it seems like a relatively easy question to address until you really look a little deeper. Many people go through life unhappy and unfulfilled since they never took the time to question themselves in this manner.

Here are ten (10) reasons why I love work:

  1. I love the challenges that are presented to me daily within various situations, especially when I'm able to solve what others couldn't. 
  2. The money isn't bad either, I can live if I plan carefully. 
  3. It's my contribution to poverty alleviation, since I help others empower themselves economically and see them get on purpose about their lives. 
  4. It's enjoyable to see people develop an idea and have it emerge into a thriving business from which they can support themselves and others. 
  5. It's gratifying to negotiate successful deals for business ventures. 
  6. Giving back through charitable serving is always a plus. 
  7. It's great to be able to use technology to speed up the processes with which solutions can be provided.
  8. Work is not limited to current geographic location. 
  9. Effective planning within your work can make it easier to realize accomplishment. 
  10. Helping businesses make profits so that they can successfully help more people through the expansion of their operations. 

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