Thursday, July 4, 2024

Opportunities missed - inefficient web use


Nowadays, there's a constant refrain encouraging businesses to get online and utilize the internet to advance their businesses. What we have noticed as more entities do so is that they are unaware of what the internet can do for them and how it impacts their businesses in the eyes of their clients. 

The ideas are great, but they don't necessarily work as intended when the implementation is done. One of the best ways to illustrate this is to share some examples with you so that you can visualize what I mean. 

Recently, I interacted with an entity. When I called their phone line, there was an extensive period where the phone just rang. Then, it was answered by an automated system. It took the information and suggested that I speak with a human assistant. To do this, I was transferred to WhatsApp. 

The WhatsApp process told me I needed to speak with a human, which kicked me back to the phone lines. Long story short, the result was telecommunication ping-pong, where I was the "ball" being played with. The solution wasn't provided until about 90 minutes later. 

The challenge could not be resolved until 8 hours later. 

Another observation:

Many entities have not figured out how to use the tools of their web presence. The website is supposed to be more static, whereas social media is more dynamic. The website should carry information about the business, and social media should carry promotions, incentives, and special offers while still directing users back to the website for business information. 

Update the website often to keep viewers coming back. These practices facilitate the viewer's interaction with the business entity, allowing one to convert them from a prospect to a client. Both the website and the social media sites should have calls to action so that the viewer can go to the next step rather than just leave, provided they have a need you can fill from a business perspective. 

Do businesses have clear goals for visitors who visit them online? Do they have an idea of the interaction they require that will result in business opportunities being developed? 

The planning must be comprehensive to bring the prospect from being in the virtual environment to interacting with them. 

Many other examples can be cited. However, you have understood what I seek to convey. 

To be successful in business, the devil is in the details. You have to consider every detail to be truly successful. 

The Internet - An avenue for SME Growth

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