Monday, March 5, 2018

Is there anything done yet?

It is no laughing matter when you see that this is already the 10th week of the year. With the speed of which we got here and the changes that are going on around us, we need to ask. What have we accomplished? Are we on target to realize anything?

Time is an asset that is often misused. If we lose money, chances are we can make it again. However, losing time; well that's gone for good. 

With the other 42 weeks left, what will we experience? 
  • Entire governments are changing
  • New inventions and innovations are being introduced
  • Businesses are opening their doors for the first time while others close their doors for the last time
  • The landscape is changing with people of all age categories dying, yet others are being born and are making strides at a pace faster than the eras past
What will be the contributions that those of us who are currently alive make that can positively impact those around us? There are opportunities via businesses/charities even our daily activities to add value. Who would have thought, 25 years ago, that you would be able to look into the palm of your hand and see/speak/interact with someone who may be on the other side of the globe and more for free?

People who are younger than we are, who barely entered their 20s became mega-successful financially.  Many of us are yet to grasp that givers gain. The more we give, the more we gain. Success rarely follows the selfish. 

As an assessment of your progress, ask yourselves; is there anything done yet? 

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