Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Communication Abbreviations and Productivity

Nowadays, all kinds of abbreviations are used in personal life and in business. It is as if communication is reduced to the stage where the writer in an attempt to be brief, not realize that they're doing themselves a disservice.

Saw this one recently in an article, and the more I thought about it, the more it troubled me. I'll show it below:

  • TL;NR - Too Long, Not Read

The scenario then unfolded in my head about when communications came out prior to a meeting and when the participants arrived at the meeting, their behaviour indicated they were seeing it for the first time. In essence, they're unprepared.

There's nothing that rouses my ire, like another needless meeting that wastes time. Not every communication can be short and snippy. One would imagine that the writer would ensure that they are not being deliberately long to prove a point.

Some abbreviations also are quite rude. I wouldn't mention them here, but there's really no need to be that impolite in a professional environment. Freedom of speech does not clear one of responsibility in what's being communicated.

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