Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bad Service...

At some point in time, we have all had our share of bad service experiences. To mention that in my field I have to try to ignore some of the episodes if not I'd be on duty 24 is a mere understatement.

Quite recently, I had the opportunity to be a customer for a global entity that finally made its way to our shores. Not being an early adopter, I thought it best to allow the more eager customers who have a flavour for the faster served food have a go at it. The rave was that the lines were long, the don't accept credit nor debit cards so you must have your cash ready, and much other comments associated with the fanfare of a global entity in our small community.

Well bad service is not always a result of being ignored by the staff. Poor systems can compound and confound some of the best intentions. The royal treatment that I anticipated from the King of burgers was quickly dashed when I saw the following:

  • It was not a rush hour peak time but the lines were backed up
  • The new staff seemed awestruck as to what to do next, so much so that the attendant was "shouting" the order numbers rather than using the mic that was available for use
  • The order system went awry with a broad spectrum from customer order numbers in their 40s through 80s still being processed all without the "team" knowing what was to become available when and to whom. A wider gap of numbers for a small window of time - relatively speaking
  • The food and beverage left a lot to be desired. I felt that I actually wasted my money when I consumed the food. It lacked good taste! The array of ingredients seemed disconnected and did not compliment each other at all 
  • In short form, I left feeling that this "international" provider failed dismally and would soon go the way of its predecessor "The Donald's of Mac Avenue
Here are 2 quick observations:
  1. They fell apart at the seams from an operational standpoint. Demonstrating how uncomfortable they were with the systems. It reeked of something hurriedly put together without being tested for functionality.
  2. The lack of customer service training showed. Why are businesses do unwilling to invest in their key asset - the human resources? 
From a point of interest, I will watch how long they will last in this market, especially given that the other local players seemed to have upped their approaches to the game. Should we have to wait for competition to be flowing with improvement? We will see. I will observe from the distance, for I surely won't be returning there again. Service providers are too often taken to task, and therefore make some of the most critical customers. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lick up...

Don't let the topic of the post distress you too much. It is mainly an expression in Bajan as to how I currently feel. You see the past couple weeks were grueling. Not only are they filled with projects which have to be done for various clients, but as a professional, there's a need to go through constant upgrading in order to be relevant to the needs of one's clients.

The constant receipt of documents that I am need to peruse and provide feedback, conference calls with people in various time zones, the constant presses and requests for one's time can and do take a toll on you physically and mentally.

Well, today's election day and the necessity of having to visit the polling stations early so as not to get caught in the long lines was a myth. Lines were long from the get go and now, I feel quite washed out and not very productive at all. Needless to say, the constant late nights and early mornings are really taking their toll.

It's time to chillax! [taking a well needed break]

Today's not a day to get caught up in going to the beach nor anywhere else for that matter. It's a gorgeous day today and I think we should just enjoy it rather than endure it.

I am going to rest, cause I feel real lick up. Have a great day all!

The Internet - An avenue for SME Growth

Using the Internet to Grow Your SME Quickly In today's digital age, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for businesses of all ...